Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions  - 2024 JCamp 180 DAY Matching Grant

What makes a Jewish Day Camp "qualifying?"
We welcome all non-profit Jewish Day Camps in the United States and Canada, regardless of JCamp 180 affiliation. The Jewish day camp must be located in the United States and be a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended (the "Code") and be classified under sections 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) of the Code. Day Camps located in Canada must have a U.S. 501(c)(3) tax status to receive HGF's grant funds. Camps without a U.S. 501(c)(3) tax status will need to work with a fiscal sponsor that has a U.S. 501(c)(3) tax status to participate in the JCamp 180 DAY grant program.
When does the physical project need to start in order to qualify?
Project construction must begin within 12 months of the date the grant was approved. We ask for project plans and a description of the physical project in the application.
How competitive is this application process?
In years past, nearly 60 camps submitted applications and we were able to fund 29 camps. Grantees in the 2021, 2022, and 2023 Day Camp Match who have finished their matching grant may also apply again. 
If we were part of the 2023 JCamp 180 Day Camp Matching Grant, are we eligible to apply for this year’s grant? And will our application be competitive against new applicants?
Participants in the 2021, 2022, & 2023 JCamp 180 Day Camp Matching Grant can apply for this year’s grant if they have completed the match and all reporting requirements. These grantees may apply for continued funds for the same project or for a new project if the prior project was completed (funded and constructed). These applications will be competitive against new applicants.
Why do camps need to be in operation for three or more years to be eligible to apply for the grant?
This requirement is to ensure grantees have a track record of success and are likely to be ongoing for the foreseeable future.
Are gifts from Foundations or other organizations eligible to be matched in this program?
Regular allocation from Jewish federations or similar agencies are not eligible to be matched. However, increases or special gifts made by federations or similar agencies for the restricted purposes of this grant are eligible.
We run more than one day camp/location - can we submit applications for more than one of the day camps?

In the instance of a governing organization operating more than one day camp program, JCamp 180 will consider applications for no more than two (2) distinct sites/programs for that organization’s day camps in any one state or province.  Each site must individually meet our eligibility requirements.  For our purposes, a governing organization is a JCC, Residential Camp, Camp Movement, Synagogue, Federation, Rental Site, etc. Here are two examples for illustration:

Camp Aleph is an overnight camp in Springfield. It operates two day camps, each in a different state. In this situation, both Aleph day camps may apply for a JCamp 180 day camp grant

Camp Bet is a network of fourteen day camps in the greater Los Angeles area, serving multiple parts of the metro area. Only two of the day camps operated by Camp Bet are eligible to apply for a JCamp 180 day camp grant.

We are a pre-school that offers a summer “camp” program. Are we eligible?
The Day Camp Grant is for camp-specific programs. Some programs are operated by schools, synagogues, JCCs, overnight camps, or Federations. To be eligible for the grant (in addition to the other stated requirements), your camp program needs to be substantively different (in terms of program offerings, marketing, demographics, etc.) than what is offered the rest of the year. For further questions, please be in touch with Ari Polsky (
Are there word count limitations/minimums for the answers on the application?
Yes, the open response questions are each limited to a maximum of 100 words.
Where can people send questions that come up later?
For questions about accessing the grant portal and submitting the application:

For other questions about the grant: